Saturday, January 19, 2008

Send in Your Story!

People are still giving it away. So don't forget to share your story! Click on the "comments" link below and share how you gave it away!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Share Your Story!

This week we kicked off "Give It Away" in a HUGE way! The purpose of this series is to teach all of us who call Capstone Church home how to use everything we have to serve, love, and reach people.

We did that in a HUGE way by giving an amount of money (totalling $2,500) to everyone in attendance on January 6. Everyone received an envelope with different amounts of money in it for the sole purpose of giving it away in order to be a blessing to someone else.

How did you use what God gave you? We want to hear your stories! Click on the "Comments" link below and then follow the instructions. To read how God led others to use their money, click on "Comments" as well.

Check back often to see what others are saying about "Give It Away." And thanks for sharing and for GIVING IT AWAY!